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UAW Education Committee Conference 2024
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UAW Education Committee Conference 2024

UAW Education Committee Conference 2024 Live Stream

Our annual UAW Education Committee Conference will be held at the Walter and May Reuther Family Education Center, on April 14-19, 2024.

Our conference is designed for those serving on their local's education committee or wanting to get one started!

Delegates who attend this week-long conference will participate in workshops designed to improve their facilitation skills and provide practice teaching opportunities. Delegates will also learn about the adult learning styles, how to use visual aids and social media, the popular education model, and how the education committee can play a role in winning strong contracts through contract campaigns and strike escalation techniques.

UAW Education Committee Conference @uawunion

The UAW Education Department will host its annual Education Committee Conference from April 14-19, 2024. The conference will be held at The Walter and May Reuther UAW Family Education Center in Onaway, Michigan.

This conference is intended for members serving on their local  union's education committee.  Delegates who attend this conference will learn how to teach other members at their locals and effectively run their education committees.

Upon completion of this conference, delegates will be given access to the UAW Education Department's curriculum kits, which were developed for them to host workshops at their local union!

UAW members in good standing (active and laid-off) can request to attend this conference through their local union leadership.

Deadline to register is March 15. We look forward to seeing you there!

#uawunion #freelivestream #StandUpUAW #uaw

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